A content creation framework allows you to stay consistent and committed to producing content. (Image by Pixabay on Pexels.)

How to Build a Content Creation Framework for Blog Posts?

Rohan Deshmukh
5 min readApr 4, 2021

The last year has seen an explosion in terms of the volume of content being created on the internet. Lockdowns across the globe have enabled millions of people to use the web to showcase their talents, put out content and connect with others in different places.

However, as easy as it may sound when someone asks you to “just create content,” it isn’t a walk in the park. You cannot scribble a few random paragraphs in an old diary and expect a “Eureka” moment.

You see, content creation is a process. To deliver consistent results and drive decent engagement, you have to put in place a framework which allows you to produce quality content and reach out to the public at large.

HubSpot defines a content creation framework as “a structure of processes for publishing content — from the beginning stages to post-publication.”

If you are a beginner or feel lost in the array of content pieces overwhelming you on every social media platform, i hear you.

To help you cross this barrier, I’m sharing a framework that has helped me write consistently on blog sites, social media platforms like LinkedIn and even Facebook (ha-ha!).

The content creation framework I’m about to share has five stages –

  1. Conceptualisation of Content
  2. Getting off the Blocks with Writing
  3. Editing and Proofreading Content
  4. Upload and Distribution
  5. Organising and Storing Content

Let’s get started and go step-wise. Okay?

Step 1 — Conceptualising Content

Every great invention in this world began with an idea. So does every great or even aspiring to be great piece of content. Conceptualisation is possible only when you consume a lot of content.

For instance, if you wish to write about the global ed-tech industry, it helps if you have consumed a lot of content — whether through blogs, videos or e-books on the topic. It helps you connect the dots and come up with ideas that are original, creative and relatable to your audience.

Once you have an idea, scribble down your initial thoughts in a diary, a notepad or an online folder, like Google Keep. Put out a structure of what you intend to write on.

For instance, if you are seeking to write on “The Use of Technology for Teaching Math in Schools”, ensure you have a structure in place. This article could potentially encompass topics like:

Technology in teaching math — a precursor

New players in the game

Future outlook

Consume first to conceptualise later, got it?

Step 2 — The Writing Stage

Now that you have an idea after consuming a content piece or after stitching together trends from some of them, it is time to get going with the written words. Improvise the outline created in the previous stage with more concrete information which answers questions such as –

What is the title and topic of the post?

What is the format going to be like (text only, text+image, video additions, etc.)?

Which platform would you use to upload this?

What category does the content belong to (is it an opinion, a trend, a story)?

Which industry does it cater to (Education/Consumer Durables, Home Furnishings and so on)?

What will the hook and the lede look like?

How will you end the copy?

Once you have answers to these questions, jot down your first draft with the available information. Do some more research to add value to the current piece of content. An enriched piece will be loved by the readers on any platform.

Step 3 — Editing and Proofreading Content

The draft is ready and at first glance, it appears good to go. But hold on, you need to check for spelling errors, grammar and any factual inaccuracies. Do not forget to check for plagiarism as well.

Editing and proofreading follow immediately after the draft is ready. (Image by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels)

To avoid all the manual hassles involved in the editing work, I would suggest you to use Grammarly for spelling and grammar, Hemingway Editor for simplifying your writing and Smallseotools for plagiarism.

At first, it feels daunting when you hear of these tools, but it gets easier when you begin using them. They save you the time and energy which can be directed to other areas of work.

Use these platforms to make the necessary changes and re-read the entire content twice. Check all details again and make modifications. Perform this task till you are completely satisfied with the write-up.

Step 4 — Upload and Distribution

Now that the write-up is ready, upload it on the right platform. Check if it meets the needs and if needed, trim certain unwanted parts. Add the appropriate tags to help like-minded people find your post. And then, post the article.

Once you have posted, share the link with the people in your network who’d find it valuable. Put it out on other social media groups which allow you to share useful content.

Distribution gives you the wings and legs to reach more and more people who may find the content helpful. And yes, don’t forget to measure the reach.

Step 5 — Organising and Storing Content

Once the write-up is ready and uploaded, it must be saved (if not already), preferably in Word or PDF. I’d leave the format up to you so long as you can retrieve it in the future.

Create a system for naming, storing and saving content in the system such that t is easily traceable. (Image Courtesy: Pixabay on Pexels)

In order to organise content, create a distinct naming system. A sample system could include content format, topic and year.

For example, let’s say you developed a blog on Retail Industry Trends in 2021. Your name for this document could be text-retailtrends-2021. While you can choose a specific naming convention formula for hosting your files, the goal should be to easily access files when needed.

It is advisable to have one folder for saving all files, ideally basis the platform (or campaign, if that is the case).


In a nutshell, creating a content creation framework allows you to stay consistent and committed to producing content. It brings in accountability, allows monitoring and has safeguards in place to ensure the right content reaches the right audience.

With tons of content being created by individuals and even brands on a daily basis, a framework helps you stay organised.

Do you follow a content creation framework? Any more points you’d like to add? Let me know in the comments section below.



Rohan Deshmukh
Rohan Deshmukh

Written by Rohan Deshmukh

I help consumer brands create & distribute valuable content generating better quality leads and higher conversions.

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